9月の新学期から、授業に使われます。 子供たちの興味津々の笑顔が目に浮かびます。
Richard and Kiyoko,
I picked them up today! I've looked at the DVD's that you included and they are AWESOME. The England presentation has such gorgeous photos. The letters are very sweet, the Japanese translations are great! I am passing some to my fellow ALT's in Ishi as well as the JETs in Tome-shi as well. They didn't have tsunami damage but some of their schools were damaged pretty badly from the earthquake. Is this ok?
I am looking at the iPads right now. These apps are great! I am watching the Toy Story app right now. It's amazing, my teacher's are going to love this! I noticed that one of the boxes has a UK plug and the other one a Japanese plug. Is there a way for us to get another Japanese plug, should I mail the UK plug back. We have an apple store in Sendai, do you think they would do an exchange?
I am going to a music assembly and my farewell ceremony at Teizan on Tuesday morning. I will see if I can take some photos/video with the iPad to send to you. I will look through the apps today and tomorrow and sit down with the teacher's on Tuesday (they are busy since it's the last day before school ends) or Thursday to show them the capabilities. VERY EXCITING!
Kiyoko - I am going to see Lori Henderson tomorrow along with the ambassador and his wife in Ishinomaki. I think I will have to bring the iPad to show Lori what you've sent us!
Thank you! More updates later this week!
Jane Suh
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