It says 'Love Letter for Tomorrow'.
We would like to extend our special thanks to Mr Yu Niimura to share the photographs and the story of the project.
About the project:
This is a
sculpture called 'Love Letter for Tomorrow', which is designed by Mido Harada,
a sculptor and an artist and has been constructed since after the Tsunami 2011.
The project was created by Shuichi Shida, a local person from the town to bring
hope and revitalise the area, which was totally destroyed by the disaster. All
the tiles used to make this human DNA shaped sculpture are all from debris
collected after the tsunami. The colours represent the nature of the earth:
blue sky, white clouds, blue deep sea, red fire and autumn leaves. It's a
collaboration between the people of the town and anyone visiting the area. There have been
many people visiting from other places in Japan and overseas and lending a hand
with the project. It is due to be completed by the end of 2016 and will become
a place for the local community to get together.
due to complete by the end of 2016
lending a hand with the project
This place was once totally destroyed by the tsunami but
it's becoming a place for the community to get together.
Visitors and Ganbare Japan volunteers
Origami and bookmarks of names in Japanese were given away to visitors.