Thinking of Homeland
Beeston, Nottingham
Chilwell Rd, Beeston, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG9 1EJ
去年の東北での震災・津波から一年が過ぎようとしています。 一年を振り返りながら、被災地で今何が起こっているのかをお伝えします。
Thinking of Homelandの海外在住の日本人アーティストのアートワークと東京在住のイギリス人写真ジャーナリスト、ロバート・ギルフーリー氏の写真を展示します。
Saturday 10th March 2012
11:00 - 18:00 pm
Oban House, Beeston, Nottingham
Chilwell Rd, Beeston, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG9 1EJ
Next to Beeston Central Post Office
“Thinking of Homeland Japan” and “Ganbare Japan” are having a joint exhibition on Saturday 10th March from 11 am to 6 pm to show the progress of the recovery of the North East Japan from the Tsunami. The exhibition include prints by Japanese artists on the theme “Thinking of Homeland”, and a letter exchange project between British and Japanese schoolchildren. Photographs of the current state of the affected area of Japan by award-winning photojournalist Robert Gilhooly are also on display.
Mayumi Akagi will give a short talk about her experience in Japan as part of All Hands Volunteers when she went there in October to help with the clean-up effort. There will be also a talk about one of the important Japanese culture 'Manga' by Paul Stayner, a manga artist, and a manga workshop too.
There will be sushi, cakes, coffee and other drinks available, and a raffle.
Please join us!
Please join us!
For more information: